We do maintain an office however we are primarily a mail order business so we are not open every day so even if you know the address it does pay to check we are open before travelling any distance.
The easiest way to get in touch with us is email newzealandmedals@gmail.com.
Our preferred manner of receiving medals for mounting is to our PO Box (PO Box 128-134, Remuera, Auckland 1541) however we understand that many people will want to drop their medals off. This is available by arrangement. Our office hours are 10-4 weekdays by arrangement and we will happily deal with any customers in person. Google Maps will take you to an address is Remuera Road which is not us. Please call or email to make an appointment
New Zealand Medals is a full time professional medal mounting and restoration service based in Auckland. We have many years experience in what we do and are well known as experts in the field.
You are welcome to email or call and if you are based in Auckland or travelling here you are very welcome to arrange a time to drop by and discuss your medals. We are a by appointment business so we can moderate the number of clients we have in our premises at any one time. This is quite simply because medals are valuable and in many cases of high sentimental value as well. Email is the best way to make initial contact newzealandmedals@gmail.com
or (09) 571 2074 / 021 447 888
New Zealand Medals Ltd is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations in delivering a quality medal mounting service.
As our name implies we handle New Zealand military medals, although we also stock ribbons for all UK / British and commonwealth medals as well as the ribbon for a large number of nations - especially Tonga, France and America. We can mount any officially awarded medals from almost any nation. What we don't have available to hand we can source.
We do not have any involvement with trophies or sporting medals unless they are official government awards.
Please note. We manufacture nothing. Everything we use is manufactured overseas by professional full time businesses specialising in that item.
Replica and miniature medals come from the United Kingdom and Australia.
Ribbon is manufactured predominantly by Toye Kenning & Spencer (founded 1685) in the United Kingdom and occasionally in Pakistan for one offs. For a court mount we typically use 24cm of ribbon per medal.
Mounting brooches are manufactured in Australia and the United Kingdom.
There are various places offering cheap ribbon or cheap replica medals however we do not use them. We only use the very best quality available and we regularly meet with our suppliers, two of which hold Royal Warrants.
We have a policy of not selling items to DIY medal mounters as they are imported at some substantial expense to us. Please do not be offended if we refuse to sell you our tools of trade. Our profit is largely based on the labour of mounting and restoring medals rather than our raw materials.
In keeping with previous Coronations the King has awarded the Coronation Medal to various people including the VC and GC holders as well as those present at his Coronation. The medal has been made by Worcestershire Medal Services in the UK. As their representative we will be carrying a stock of miniatures and ribbon. Recipients will be required to purchase a miniature as the medal is not issued with one. We carry the original issue as well as a restrike which has better detail. Both are $40 ea mounted. We also have the die struck replicas of the Coronation Medal in full sized, and the 2022 Jubilee Medal, both at $50 ea mounted or not.
New Zealanders present in an official capacity have been awarded the medal.

From the start of 2024 the older Nuclear Test veterans began receiving their new Nuclear Test Medals. Miniatures are $40 ea. Replicas are $50 ea. As an official commemorative medal it is worn after the NZDSM.

Please support NZ businesses.
NZ Medals Ltd

Selling your medals?
In addition to the mounting and restoration of medals we are also able to buy your medals or to arrange their sale on your behalf.
Medals can be a valuable asset and with many clients downsizing they often feel that the medals could be given a better home where they may be more appreciated or be able to be seen by a wider audience.
We have supplied medals to the leading collectors and museums throughout NZ and the world. Where appropriate we will handle export certificates, clearances, transportation and overseas import duties. All sales comply with the Protected Objects Act.
Contact us in confidence for more information and a free no obligation appraisal.
Late 2021 it was announced that the NZ Operational Service Medal will be awarded to those who served in Singapore. We are seeing quite a number being sent through for mounting.
2022 was the Queens Platinum Jubilee and a medal has been struck. We stock the miniature and full sized and miniature ribbons. It seems that in keeping with previous issues the medal will not be issued with a miniature. Our miniatures come from the official UK maker of the full sized medal, the ribbon of which was designed by its CEO. IT seems that only 3-4 NZers will receive the medal, whereas potentially 500,000 British Military, Fire, Police, Ambulance other persons will be awarded the medal. We will be writing to those of our clients we know will be receiving the medal (VC and GC recipients).
We now stock these very difficult to obtain medals. They are $40 ea mounted swing or court style

There have been major changes announced today to the NZ long service awards. Many had missed awards due to broken or non efficient service. These changes have been in the pipeline for a while and have been announced today.
Basically, Long Service awards are now 14 years with further award bars for 7 years.
Broken and non efficient Territorial/Reserve service is removed. Most significantly many Regular Force officers who pre 1977 were not entitled to a Long Service award will now retrospectively qualify for the NZ Armed Forces Award.
Details of the changes
While the 10 existing long service awards remain, the entitlement criteria have been modernised to allow different types of New Zealand military service to be accumulated towards any award: both Regular and Reserve Force service can be combined.
Regular Force military personnel will now only require 14 years’ service for an award and seven years for each clasp (compared to the previous requirement for 15 years for the award and for each clasp).

Defence Minister Ron Mark has welcomed the news that Her Majesty The Queen has approved a range of changes to the New Zealand Defence Force long service awards system.
“A fairer system has been developed to recognise the vital contribution Regular Force and Reserve Force military personnel make by serving the New Zealand Government and the public,” said Ron Mark.
“The changes will resolve a range of legitimate grievances held by both serving and ex-serving personnel, relating to inconsistencies in the eligibility criteria between the various awards.
“The eligibility criteria changes will immediately qualify about 650 current military personnel for their first long service award, and entitle more than 1700 other current military personnel to a clasp to a long service award they have already received.”
Up to 4000 ex-Service persons will also now qualify for a long service award and/or clasp(s).
“Previously, the service of many former military members could not be recognised and honoured by means of a long service award, but now they will be able to show that they have served their country in uniform,” said Ron Mark.
“Our Defence Force recognises and rewards excellence. It is only right that we celebrate these achievements and that military personnel are recognised for the contribution they make to benefit New Zealand.”
Other changes are as follows;
The length of qualifying service is now the same as for the other uniformed government agencies that award long service awards through the NZ Royal Honours system: New Zealand Police, Fire and Emergency New Zealand, New Zealand Customs Service and New Zealand Prison Service.
The type of long service award issued will reflect the majority of each recipient’s service up to the point in time when they completed the qualifying service for an award.
The requirement for continuous service has been removed from the Reserve Force awards.
Eligibility for the New Zealand Armed Forces Award (for Regular Force officers of all three Services) has been extended to include Regular Force officers who served between 6 February 1952 and 30 November 1977. These officers were the only group of attested New Zealand Armed Forces personnel who served between 1952 and 1977 who were previously not eligible for a long service award. The start date of 6 February 1952 is when Her Majesty acceded to the throne.
The changes have been backdated to apply to any person serving in the New Zealand Armed Forces on or after 1 December 1977. This is the same start date as under the 1985 Royal Warrants which have been replaced this year by new Royal Warrants.
More information on the changes to the eligibility criteria can be found on the NZDF Medals website: https://medals.nzdf.mil.nz.
Ex-service persons need to apply using the application form on the NZDF Medals website: https://medals.nzdf.mil.nz. Current serving military personnel do not need to apply as any eligibility will be processed automatically
The new Solomon Islands International Law Enforcement Cooperation Medal
Members of the Order of John who have served 50 or more years are now entitled to the new St John Ultra Long Service Medal. Remarkably there have already been quite a number awarded in NZ (we have been told over 80 to date) . We have mounted a number and we do stock the ribbon for this medal. It is essentially the service medal but in gold and with a gold band down the centre of the ribbon.
We now stock replicas of this medal at the standard replica price of $50 mounted.
The St John Ultra Long Service Medal

This medal from the Solomon Islands Police Force has now been awarded to members of the NZ Police who served in the Solomon Islands.
The medal has been determined by the NZ Police as not being able to be worn in uniform. Other countries such as Australia and Tonga can wear the medal in uniform.
We understand that many ex NZ Police members will want to wear the medal. If you are no longer serving you can wear the medals with your other medals and we will mount it for you.
We have obtained a high quality UK made ribbon as the issued ribbon is a poor weave. We also stock a replacement of the medal which is exactly the same quality as the awarded medal - which we sell at our standard price of $50 ea (miniatures $40).

Damage after wearing ?
As always, if we have previously mounted your medals and they suffer ANY damage on ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, natural disasters etc - no matter what the cause - please return them to us and we will repair them for free.
Industry Terminology Used:
Mounting - the process of preparing a medal for wearing by attaching a ribbon and pin to it
Swing mount - the medal hangs from a wearing pin
Court mount - the medal is wired to a rigid backing with a pin affixed
Frame - the medal is in a wall hung frame
Case - a box for the medals
Ribbon - the fabric the medal hangs from
Medal - circular or star shaped award usually to denote specific service
Badge - an item worn without a ribbon ie: on a cap, and generally not an award.
Miniature - a 1/2 sized medal intended to be worn after 6pm but now accepted as a practical option for grandchildren, female wearers, and especially elderly recipients with large heavy medal groups.
Replica - a full sized copy of the actual medal.
Our very popular locally manufactured medal cases are back in stock. Due to a lack of producers in NZ literally every thing we use is made overseas so its good to be able to have a local supplier for our cases. They are priced at $50 ea and will hold a set of medals mounted in accordance with our regulations. On the subject of imported materials, we have suffered quite a bit with the recent significant drop in the exchange rate. We are endeavourng to keep our prices fixed for as long as possible.

Toye Kenning Spencer
We make a point of travelling to England every year or so to meet with various of our suppliers of ribbons, miniatures and replica medals. We have also watched some of our ribbons being woven at Toye Kenning Spencer, a firm of ribbon makers we use who have been in operation since 1685. Go to our facebook page to see a video of how it is woven. Some of the machines used are over 100 years old. Many of the craftsmen whose materials we use hold Royal Warrants so when you utilise our services you can be confident that we are using the best possible materials - many of which are not stocked by anyone else. https://youtu.be/m5OfyAuR7jY.

Replica Order of NZ Merit
We stock the full sized CNZM, ONZM and MNZM Replica medals. These are ideal for wear to avoid damage to your original award. They are also a good way to give family members a medal or suitable for framing with the certificate.
Just $50 ea mounted for wearing for ONZM and MNZM. Miniature ONZM and MNZM $40. ea. Full sized CNZM is $125

World War One Silver War Badge
GIven to soldiers who were no longer able to serve due to wounds etc suffered in service. These badges were worn to prevent them from receiving the white feather - a sign of cowardice. They are popular to wear with WW1 medals to denote the recipient was wounded or for framing.
$25 ea
These are in stock now. We suggest that if you need one get a few as we cannot be certain of further stock and we have priced these very sharply at $25 ea in both sizes.

We service ALL OF NEW ZEALAND. A next day NZ wide courier from NZ Post is a little over $8 (sent safely from your Post Office to our PO Box) so even if you live at the other end of the country there is no reason why you cannot use our service.